Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of Mary H. Cooper s Article, Women And Human Rights
Due to ethnic and religious conflicts around the world, many women and girls are left with physical scars and emotional anguish that serve as a reminder of the agony they experienced when receiving violent punishments. These acts of violence, which are viewed as an infringement of their human rights, are given as social punishments for, seemingly, minor infractions. This, unfortunately, is the circumstance many women face, as described by author Mary H. Cooper in the article, â€Å"Women and Human Rights†. The author’s purpose is to analyze whether or not the global anti-violence campaign is succeeding. Because Cooper’s knowledge of international governmental actions, she eloquently analyzes the successes and failures of the anti-violence campaign and its effectiveness in countries around the world. Cooper often uses powerful and influential language to leave an eye-opening and lasting impression on its reader. Although Cooper’s use of powerful firsthan d accounts of female inequality acts as substantial evidence supporting her purpose, the article is filled with an underlying bias; the author pushes solely for the increase in human rights for women, but fails to acknowledge the rest of the population, as well as providing cultural information that is no longer relevant due to the age of the article. Mary H. Cooper, the article’s author, holds an English degree from Hollins University. Although now self-employed, she brings impressive and admirable credentials. At the time ofShow MoreRelatedUGT in the 21st Century14999 Words  | 60 PagesUniversity of Texas at El Paso Some mass communications scholars have contended that uses and gratifications is not a rigorous social science theory. In this article, I argue just the opposite, and any attempt to speculate on the future direction of mass communication theory must seriously include the uses and gratifications approach. 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